探长Sarah Lund(Sofie Gr?b?l 饰)即将辞去工作带着儿子随男友去瑞典开始新的生活。然而临行前,她却被迫与新来的继任探长Jan Meyer(S?ren Malling饰)一起接手一件棘手的案件:少女Nanna Birk Larsen谋杀案。此时哥本哈根市长竞选正处激烈状态,年轻有为的候选人Troels Hartmann(Lars Mikkelsen饰)胜算颇大。然而他的竞选团队却与这场少女谋杀案有着千丝万缕的联系。随着调查的深入,Sarah的个人生活也被案件改变,但真相却迟迟没有付出水面……
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5.0 天堂岛疑云第十四季
2025 欧美简介: We're transported back to the tropical island of Saint Marie, and this time with a new Detective Inspector in place - but will DI Mervin Wilson remain in the job for long? Following the recently cracked case of ‘who shot the Santas?’, along with the revelation that his estranged mother has passed away, Mervin is ready to get back home and leave the island for good. But when a case close to the hearts of those at the station presents itself, is he tempted to extend his stay? As Mervin continues to ruffle feathers, the police team pull together to solve some of the island’s most confounding cases yet. -
5.0 华生