探长Sarah Lund(Sofie Gr?b?l 饰)即将辞去工作带着儿子随男友去瑞典开始新的生活。然而临行前,她却被迫与新来的继任探长Jan Meyer(S?ren Malling饰)一起接手一件棘手的案件:少女Nanna Birk Larsen谋杀案。此时哥本哈根市长竞选正处激烈状态,年轻有为的候选人Troels Hartmann(Lars Mikkelsen饰)胜算颇大。然而他的竞选团队却与这场少女谋杀案有着千丝万缕的联系。随着调查的深入,Sarah的个人生活也被案件改变,但真相却迟迟没有付出水面……
1.0 人生酱美味
3.0 探长薇拉第十四季
2025 欧美简介: Legendary film, theatre and television actress, Brenda Blethyn OBE, is to return to the iconic role of Vera for one, final series. The Academy and Emmy nominated actress has confirmed she has decided to hang up DCI Vera Stanhope’s infamous trench coat and hat following the filming of series 14 this summer, which she’ll film alongside the cast, crew and production team she values as friends in her beloved Northumberland and North East. -
7.0 阿尔法男第三季
9.0 待命警察
9.0 茜茜公主第四季
2025 欧美简介: In the fourth season, Sisi challenges the best jockey in Bavaria to a grand horse race to save the family’s estate, Castle Possenhofen, after the death of her father. Back in her homeland, she comes across dark family secrets and ultimately must ask herself where she really feels at home. -
6.0 匹兹堡医护前线