7.0 荒野独居第三季
2017 欧美综艺简介: As "Alone" enters its fourth season, the competition series shakes things up with a new twist: the contestants are dropped off in a remote locations as pairs. Seven pairs of family members travel to a rugged region of British Columbia, where they are separated and dropped off miles apart from each other. Each player must navigate the wilderness to locate his or her partner. Once reunited, the loved ones have to create their own shelters and forage for their food while overcoming rough weather conditions and deadly predators. They have nothing more than the contents of their small backpacks and 10 tools split between them to help with their survival. They also have enough camera gear to record their experiences because -- as in the past -- there is no camera crew. The last duo standing at the end of the season is declared the winner and takes home the $500,000 grand prize. -
4.0 荒野独居第四季
3.0 荒野独居第五季
2.0 荒野独居第六季
6.0 荒野独居第七季
8.0 荒野独居第八季
2021 欧美综艺简介: The HISTORY Channel’s hit survival series “Alone” is back like never before and taking place in the most dangerous locations yet. In Season 8, 10 contestants fight to survive in the Canadian wilderness on the shores of Chilko Lake, British Columbia. Equipped with just 10 items and a camera kit, each participant must survive in total isolation, with the hopes of lasting the longest and winning the $500,000 prize. Not only must they endure hunger, loneliness and the elements, but this season, they also face the deadliest predator in North America: the grizzly bear. No camera crews. No gimmicks. It is the ultimate test of human will. HISTORY频道的热门生存系列 "Alone "以前所未有的方式回归,并在最危险的地方进行。在第八季中,10名参赛者将在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省奇尔科湖畔的荒野上为生存而战。每位参赛者只配备了10件物品和一个摄影包,他们必须在完全与世隔绝的情况下生存,希望能坚持最久,赢得50万美元的奖金。他们不仅必须忍受饥饿、孤独和各种因素,而且在这一季,他们还要面对北美最致命的掠食者:灰熊。没有摄制组。没有噱头。这是对人类意志的终极考验。