老实可爱、专心工作的班尼(Anand Tiwari 饰)和整日花天酒地、享受生活的两名损友哈迪克(Kunal Khemu 饰)、拉弗(Vir Das 饰)生活在一起。某天,洗心革面的拉弗被女友三振出局,浪荡不羁的哈迪克也遭老板扫地出门。适逢班尼即将前往度假胜地果阿公干,三个好朋友一拍即合,驱车同行。在当地拉弗遇见了Facebook的朋友露娜(Puja Gupta 饰),在后者的介绍下,三名好友乘船来到某小岛参加俄国黑手党组织的终极派对。派对之上,主办方发售了一种新型毒品,谁知却导致意想不到的后果。 次日清晨,哈迪克、拉弗、班尼他们发现,这座小岛已经被恐怖的丧尸占领,他们必须想方设法逃出生天……
8.0 奶爸向前走
2.0 夺宝冒险王
2023 喜剧简介:Joe Bell is a penny-pinching hermit saving for the day when his real life will begin. One day he's offered a chest filled with treasure by a cryptic old man known as, "The Clockmaker." After giving the chest to Joe, the Clockmaker "accidentally" locks the chest. Joe must now go on a series of wacky & diverse adventures to find the key. Each adventure is a different genre. There are 15 genres in the film, including action-adventure, comedy, Western, romance, science-fiction, film noir, musical, and more. Joe is finally living life instead of saving. He makes new friends along the way and eventually finds the key on the necklace of a beautiful young woman named Abbey. He falls for her at first sight. However, his desires for her and the treasure are in direct conflict. After another series of dangerous adventures to save Abbey's life and recover the key, he must choose between the two. -
2.0 安德鲁·舒尔茨:这就是人生
6.0 三个朋友
2.0 来聊聊须绪美吧
2.0 凯马克