Little Fires Everywhere由伍绮诗所著同名小说《小小小小的火》改编。故事发生在90年代俄亥俄州一个小镇里。那年夏天,一把火,烧掉了理查德森家的房子。所有人都觉得是埃琳娜?理查德森(Reese Witherspoon饰)的小女儿伊奇干的“好事”,而她却不见了踪影……
与伊奇一起消失的,还有理查德森家的房客:流浪艺术家米娅(Kerry Washington饰)与她的女儿。她们曾无声地挑战了这个家庭笃信的真理:安稳、美好的人生必须经过一场严密的规划。她们的出现更是打破了伊奇身上的种种束缚,伊奇发现自己再也回不到过去的生活了。
7.0 嗜血法医:源罪
9.0 好事多磨2024
10.0 大地永存
2024 美国简介:Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name. When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction. Ish is a brilliant but solita... -
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