作为"海军罪案调查处"的衍生剧,"海军罪案调查处: 洛杉矶"如今已独当一面。
第三季末,随着终极大boss变色龙浮出水面,双方对峙棋局也越铺越大,Mike Renko和Hunter探员相继殉职,Hetty再次提交辞呈,Callen(看似)冲动的举动导致其被捕。这队人马到底会落得什么结局?抑或这其实是Hetty带领下的又一个诱敌迷局?
7.0 嗜血法医:源罪
9.0 好事多磨2024
10.0 大地永存
2024 美国简介:Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name. When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction. Ish is a brilliant but solita... -
4.0 星球大战:骨干小队
6.0 传奇办公室
1.0 狂乱世道