故事描述一组强悍但好心肠的警察为了抓捕罪犯不息采用各种手段。他们在城中治安环境最差的区域工作,所面对的全都是恶性案件:制毒案、纵火案、新纳粹主义案和谋杀案。这些还只是他们的日常工作。一个令人头疼的连环杀手在城中肆虐,侦缉警督Vivienne Deering(Joanna Scanlan)和她的团队意识到他们遇到了强大的对手。在得力助手Dinah Kowlaska警探(Elanine Cassidy)和Joy Freers调查警司(Alexandra Roach)的协助下,Vivienne发誓要侦破此案。Vivienne的行为实在太怪异,所有人都认为她精神不正常。Dinah性格冲动。Joy Freers最近刚刚升职,担任Dinah的助手。…
7.0 鸡皮疙瘩(剧版)第二季
4.0 黑色处决令
6.0 十字区的最后国王第二季
2028 欧美简介: eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a piece — including John’s two younger brothers. -
8.0 驯荒记
5.0 猎犬山
10.0 人设骗局第二季