BBC全女性阵容(演员+编剧)、8集15分钟独白剧《点滴:女性人生百年瞬间》(暂译),将于英国时间6月18日到21日间播出,每日两集。本剧作为BBC今夏“Hear Her/听见她”专题的核心部分,将标志着妇女获得选举权的周年纪念。独白灵感来自于那些往往以极大的个人成本公 开发表意见、挑战现状或做出反抗的女性。
①Compliance 顺从[暂译]
编剧: Abi Morgan
主演:Romola Garai
编剧:Theresa Ikoko
主演:Corinne Skinner-Carter
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5.0 甜木兰第四季
1.0 校园怪灵第二季
5.0 211号牢房
5.0 天堂岛疑云第十四季
2025 欧美简介: We're transported back to the tropical island of Saint Marie, and this time with a new Detective Inspector in place - but will DI Mervin Wilson remain in the job for long? Following the recently cracked case of ‘who shot the Santas?’, along with the revelation that his estranged mother has passed away, Mervin is ready to get back home and leave the island for good. But when a case close to the hearts of those at the station presents itself, is he tempted to extend his stay? As Mervin continues to ruffle feathers, the police team pull together to solve some of the island’s most confounding cases yet. -
5.0 华生