该剧根据同名泰剧改编,讲述了远飞集团的千金许诺(何瑞贤 饰)从小生长在父母溺爱中,从国外留学深造归来却震惊的发现自己原本幸福的家庭已经支离破碎,母亲被净身出户,从小寄养在自己家且没有血缘关系的哥哥沈嘉禾(樊治欣 饰)即将替代自己继承家业,而父亲的未婚妻竟然是沈嘉禾曾经扯不清的绯闻女友白夏,也是她昔日的宿敌。许诺看穿沈嘉禾的谋 划,为了夺回远飞,揭穿其真面目,她运筹帷幄,步步为营,诱惑沈嘉禾与她豪赌了一场“炽爱游戏”,自此掀开了两人相爱相杀的历程。
10.0 属于蜜桃在线视频观看的城市
2025 欧美简介:Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana. This City is Ours is the story of Michael and Diana's love affair, set against the disintegration of Michael’s crime gang. For years, together with Ronnie, Michael has successfully been bringing cocaine into the City and beyond, directly from Columbia; but when a shipment goes missing, he knows their Kingdom is under attack. This City is Ours explores what happens when Ronnie’s son Jamie decides he wants to inherit their kingdom and that there is no longer a place for Michael at the table. Both Michael and Jamie have bold ideas to modernise the gang and they will battle for control of it. But Michael’s biggest battle will be to save the woman he loves and the child he has always wanted. This is a story about family, and love destroyed and corrupted by ambition, pride and greed. It’s a story about power: what we will do to secure and keep it. -
3.0 从天而降的幸运星
7.0 以美之名
8.0 我的后半生
2025 连续简介: 该剧改编自王蒙的小说《奇葩奇葩处处哀》。 沈卓然是已退休的文学系教授,儿女双全、三代同堂,发妻去世后他在老友的鼓励下开启了相亲之旅。他先后遇到了四位相亲对象。善解人意的护士长因房产与他分道扬镳;女科学家癌症复发选择了不告而别;工会主任的强势让他受到心理打压;酷似发妻的对象提出了让他为难的要求。 不同的情感经历给 沈卓然带来了新的成长,他对爱和生活的思索也影响着一路陪伴的家人们。 -
5.0 白骨阴阳剑1989
1.0 黑帮领地