一段变心与背叛的过往,两个性格完全不同的女人,三对陷入感情纠葛的年轻男女。在海鸥角的聚会上,从四面八方汇集而来的众人不约而同地感觉到悲剧的降临。 1936年的英格兰,网球明星内维尔·斯特兰奇和他的前妻奥黛丽做出了一个不可思议的决定,一起去海鸥角度过一个夏天。海鸥角是他们童年的家,也是内维尔的姨妈特蕾西莲夫人的海滨庄园。 谋杀其实早已开始,它默默无声地经历了起因、过程,并在某一特定时间、某一特定地点达到最高潮。谋杀本身就是故事的结局,是零点时刻 。
5.0 换挡
10.0 不可遗忘第六季
2025 欧美简介: The series begins when suspected human remains are uncovered on Whitney Marsh - Jess and Sunny are immediately called to the scene, abandoning their evening plans to Jess’s husband’s chagrin. Dr Balcombe’s analysis reveals that the remains are relatively recent and suggest a grim conclusion: the body was placed there already dismembered. With this insight, Jess and Sunny intensify their search certain that other body parts may not be far away. As the investigation unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse new cast of characters: Melinda Ricci, an outspoken television commentator based in Ireland; Martin ‘Marty’ Baines, an autistic man living with his mother Dot in Deal, Kent; Asif Syed, an Afghan training for his UK citizenship test; and Juliet Cooper, a history lecturer and faculty head at a London university. While these characters live seemingly separate lives, they are intricately connected by their pasts. It’s up to Jess, Sunny, and their dedicated team to uncover these hidden links and ultimately expose the truth behind the cold case murder. -
4.0 鹦鹉螺号
7.0 海军罪案调查处:悉尼第二季
6.0 心脏染色
5.0 黑暗智宅