1990年代初。为追求新生活,山村姑娘扣儿(赵明明 饰)告别青梅竹马的男友田牛(纪原 饰)来到他乡,结识开有一家小旅馆的赵鬼(张山 饰),后者给了她诸多生活上的帮助。田牛不甘被扣儿小瞧,立志创业,几番辛苦终于得到酿制樱桃酒的秘方,成功借此成为知名企业家,并改名田家兴。扣儿带赵鬼回 到家乡,不把赵鬼放在眼里的田家兴以为一定能把扣儿娶到手传宗接代,但见识过外面世界的扣儿并不愿做一心为男人而活的传统女人。
4.0 一不小心捡到爱[电影解说]
10.0 没有名字的女人们2018[电影解说]
7.0 酸酸甜甜[电影解说]
9.0 赫尔戈兰岛[电影解说]
2024 电影解说简介: Helgoland is set in 2034 after after a global apocalypse, where the North Sea island of Helgoland has become humanity's last safe haven. A totalitarian society has been established that only allows 513 people on the island and as resources are scarce, an inhumane 'social ranking' system evalsuates the lives of the inhabitants according to their 'usefulness.' At there same time, a dangerous force from the mainland prepares to invade. -
3.0 零日风暴[电影解说]
7.0 猫头鹰谋杀案[电影解说]