Netflix过去宣布直接预订10集新成人向动画《天堂镇警局 Paradise PD》,该动画由《脆莓公园 Brickleberry》的主创Waco O’Guin及Roger Black负责。
於美国时间8月31日上线的《天堂镇警局》讲述一个小镇警局里全是些不知所 谓的警察,他们爱废话﹑一点也不酷 ,根本就是群辣鸡。在预告可见这新作更黄暴、更没节操,看起来?
Stanley Hopson及Dusty Marlow/Dana Snyder声演(下同)
Gerald Fitzgerald/Cedric Yarbrough
Kevin Crawford/Dave Herman(就是《脆莓公园》那胖子的配音)
警长Randall Crawford/Tom Kenny
Gina Jabowski/Sarah Chalke
3.0 企鹅家族第四季
2004 欧美动漫简介: PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point. -
4.0 企鹅家族第五季
2.0 企鹅家族第六季
4.0 大北方第四季
9.0 格林童话变奏曲
4.0 芭比梦幻仙境之彩虹仙子