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《杰克逊》免费播放在线观看 - 星辰电影网


类型: 海外动漫




  The Jetsons have made their film debut in a film about family, friends, and all that stuff. George's tightwad boss, Mr. Spacely, is determined to get his remote factor on his ore asteroid miles away to make 1,000,000 sprocketts, but all the vice-presidents sent to run it have disappeared for some reason, so Mr. Spacely must find someone else to run it: it would have to be someone mighty brave, and mighty stupid. So who does he pick? George Jetson. So George packs up his family: Jane, his sensible and loving wife; Judy- his rebellious teenage daughter who's gotten a new boyfriend: a super galactical rock star; Elroy- basketball champ who's losing faith in his father; and Rosie, his sassy maid. So while Judy meets another boy and enjoys a huge shopping mall, George sets off to work with his new friend, a robot foreman named Rudy 2. The factory is soon sabotaged on opening day, so George intends to investigate and disappears. So it's up to Elroy and his new friends to rescue George. Along for the ride are Judy and Jane. A wild futuristic romp on a screen bigger than your TV


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    2021 海外动漫
    简介:  “超杀女”科洛·莫瑞兹饰演的少女凯拉刚刚入职豪华大酒店,就碰上了叫人头疼的难题——杰瑞竟然想在酒店里定居,令酒店最近承接的世纪婚礼岌岌可危。于是,汤姆被凯拉雇佣成为酒店员工,目的是赶走杰瑞,这对欢喜冤家就此展开了一场你追我赶的爆笑喜剧。
  • 大红狗 3.0 大红狗
    2004 海外动漫
    简介:  神犬小克、克力奥和T-BONE明星开始了他们的首次电影冒险之旅!小克和他的搭档们开始了穿越全国的旅程。为了赢得终生免费的粮食,他们参加了一次天才大赛。与新朋友夏克夫德和罗得里格通力合作,他们将把一次搞笑行动变为名垂青史得壮举!永远不变得是小克得博爱让每一个人都成为了赢家。by:yakubd.cc
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    2001 海外动漫
    简介:  Scooby-Doo and the gang are trapped into a video game! So they follow up to Scooby Snacks to the last level and they met the cyber gang who just look like themselves. So, the cyber gang decided to help the gang to defeat the phantom virus.
  • 史酷比和墨西哥大脚怪 10.0 史酷比和墨西哥大脚怪
    2003 海外动漫
    简介:  佛瑞德的笔友邀请他一起到墨西哥参加当地的鬼节追思大会,叔比狗、黛芬、威玛、薛吉当然也兴高采烈的跟去玩个痛快。 没想到,城里却出现了一只高大的绿眼怪物!所有观光客都被吓跑了,而叔比狗和伙伴们也必须卖掉旅馆来应付最近的萧条,都是那个大怪物害的!不过怪物有留下线索,到底这些代表著什么惊人秘密呢?by:m.yakubd.cc
  • 草原大作战 5.0 草原大作战
    2016 海外动漫
    简介:  大灰(JB·布兰科 JB Blanc 配音)是一只狼,英俊自负,梦想当上狼群的统领。老吉是大灰的强劲对手,与大灰竞争狼王的位置,他们决定比武一决胜负。就在比武的前夜,大灰不小心中了魔法,变身成一只羊。他不得不离开狼群,与羊群居住在一起。老吉趁老狼王不备,将其推下山崖夺得狼王之位。  一只小羊偷跑到北方草场被狼群捉住,大灰将其救出。这个行为激怒了老吉,他决定袭击羊群。得知狼群要袭击羊群的时候,大灰决定领导羊群与狼群抗争。在建设防线的时候,大灰被发现与狼群有瓜葛,失去了大家对他的信任。他不得不独自离开羊群,在路上他的到一个接触魔法变回狼的机会,但是同时得知狼群马上就要袭击羊群,他放弃变回狼的机会,毅然回到羊群,带领羊群战胜了狼群。两个族群最后达成了和平协议。
  • 一路顺风,查理布朗 7.0 一路顺风,查理布朗
    1980 海外动漫
    简介:  描述查理布朗和小狗史诺比等一群朋友,以交换学生身份前往法国留学,由于文化背景和生活习惯不同,产生了很多欧洲风味的笑料,相当幽默逗趣。


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